Monday, February 7, 2011

A Woman's Perspective

I was having a conversation today (via Google Chat) about this blog. Albeit short, it was a good conversation, in which my friend made some poignant observations. One of the comments she made was that although the blog had “interesting points,” she thought it needed woman’s voice. She noted that she does not often see herself “in conversations from men relating to men.” I pointed out that the blog is not specific to men, or even about men, but I did take her observation to heart, and have been considering it since.

I will agree: within this blog, the voices of women are not present – but I am not a woman. Nor is my fellow Polished Scholar. As such, we cannot give voice to women, nor would we be so arrogant or foolish as to try. I write from my perspective, with my voice. I explore and detail my own thoughts about a myriad of topics, adding to the existing discourse. I can no more speak from the experience of a woman than I can from a white person, a war veteran, a Republican, or a giraffe. That is not my point of reference. I merely provide my piece of the puzzle, my narrative. And with that narrative, I shed light on one more section of the entire puzzle, the entire tapestry that is human existence. Yes, everyone should have a voice, and the subjects which are explored in this blog should be weighed in on by a female perspective. But I should not be the one writing that. My suggestion? Women, speak up! Write! Blog about your experiences and your thoughts, from your unique point of view. How richer the lives of all would be if everyone explored their ideas and desires and lives, and put it out for the world to see! There certainly are women who are doing this (see Bella's Blog), and I applaud them. For the rest of you – men and women, young and old, Black and white – share your stories, and we will all grow and learn together, quilting together the fullness that is humanity.


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